If you find yourself blaming your partner A LOT
If you find yourself often blaming your partner (or anyone) and/or thinking, "If they were just ____" "If they would just ___" "If they...

#1 sign someone is a narcissist
#1 sign someone is a narcissist (or you are one yourself) is always needing to be right and never saying sorry. ...because they feel they...
How to love your inner child
There's a part of me, my inner child, who SCREAMS OUT, "Love me, love me, LOVE ME" to anyone who will listen. Mostly to the people she...

Are you feeling unsupported in your relationship?
If you're feeling unsupported in your romantic relationship it's time to take another look at how you're showing up...👀 There's a...

On the fence? Get clarity by doing this ONE thing!
When I'm on the fence about something and I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what to do, I ask myself... 1. "Do I want to do...

Stay Curious
One of the biggest dis-eases I see is our inability to stay curious. We lose the child like wonder and curiosity that makes our life an...

Did you know you taught me it's ok to be human?
You - my incredible clients, students and friends - have taught me above else in 2020 that it's ok to be human, to have issues come up,...

A DEEP Shame Trigger
A DEEP shame trigger from my childhood got activated... I hadn't thought about it in years...for years I even thought it wasn't that...

Incinerate Ancestral Stories
Some Ancestral Stories I've unearthed over the years keeping me from my Zone of Genius: 💔 Expect to work very hard to have very little,...

The breakthrough is the easy part
The hardest part about spiritual growth is not the initial expansion; it's holding the vibration of the expansion in your everyday life...